As of 4/22/24 I assess and rate the following on each review:
1. Entertainment Value (how much I enjoyed it as a whole, would I recommend it, most personal bias)
2. Plot (is it understandable & meaningful, is belief suspended, are there any lingering q’s)
3. Rewatchability (would I watch it again, is it better or worse a 2nd watch, memorable)
4. Theme (can I make sense of any themes or underlying concepts, is it meaningful)
5. Acting (are the performances good & believable, how is the casting)
6. Aesthetic (vibes distinct or unique, how’s the visual language: lighting, setting, ect)
7. Behind The Scenes (is the pace decent, how are the special effects, cool design, how is the dialogue, is the concept executed well, directing, cinematography, editing)
8. Soundtrack (is the sound design or film score good, does it add or subtract from viewing)
Rating System Borrowed From Cinemayward
★★★★★ Favorite / Masterpiece / Divine Encounter
★★★★½ Exceptional / Well-Crafted Work of Art / Enriching and Transformative
★★★★ Great / Exciting, Affecting, Memorable Achievement / Enlightening
★★★½ Very Good / Interesting Concept and Execution / Evoking
★★★ Good / Interesting Concept or Execution / Eye-Opening
★★½ Mixed Feelings / Flawed but Worthy / Moderately Insightful
★★ Disappointing / Mediocre and Uninteresting / Soulless
★½ Regrettable / Notably Flawed and Frustrating / Ignorant
★ Enraging / Wholly Deficient / Shameful
½ Failure / Offensive / Toxic
☆ Atrocity / Gouge My Eyes Out / Sinful